Japanese holiday 2022 : VISA de AI

I am Takashi Oka, an immigration lawyer specializing in visa applications in Japan.
I will introduce you to Japanese holiday 2022.

  • 元日 New Year’s Day
    January 1
  • 成人の日 Coming of Age Day
    January 10 (Second Monday in January)
  • 建国記念の日 National Foundation Day
    February 11
  • 天皇誕生日 Emperor’s Birthday
    February 23
  • 春分の日 Vernal Equinox Day
    March 21
  • 昭和の日 Showa Day
    April 29
  • 憲法記念日 Constitution Memorial Day
    May 3
  • みどりの日 Greenery Day
    May 4
  • こどもの日 Children’s Day
    May 5
  • 海の日 Marine Day
    July 18 (Third Monday in July)
  • 山の日 Mountain Day
    August 11
  • 敬老の日 Respect for the Aged Day
    September 19 (Third Monday in September)
  • 秋分の日 Autumnal Equinox Day
    September 23
  • スポーツの日 Sports Day
    October 10 (Second Monday in October)
  • 文化の日 Culture Day
    November 3
  • 勤労感謝の日 Labor Thanksgiving Day
    November 23

Reference: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan

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